Rotary Cochin Central | Club ID : 26839 | R.I. District 3201

About Rotary Club of a Cochin Central

Rotary Cochin Central was chartered in 1989 with 27 young and aspirational young men who believed in service to the community. Since then Cochin Central has done numerous service projects apart from building a strong bond of friendship between them.

Over the 33 years, the club has gone from strength to strength and had created innovative projects like Sadhya Food festival, Property show, Golf Tournament, Run for life which are primarily fund raising projects to support the community service projects.

The flag ship of the club in community service is the Santhwanam, home for destitute and orphan children and looking after their life and education till they reach the age of 18. Building houses for the people who lost everything during the floods of 2019 is another major project where the club built and handed over 50 houses. “No one Starves”, Midday meal scheme, Skill development where the annual projects during the three decades of service.

The Club members themselves have contributed more than US$ 475,000 for Rotary Foundation, which is the largest private foundation in the world. All these activities have seen the members of the Cochin Central personally benefitting by developing community leadership skills, developing a passion for public good, creating a nationwide and worldwide network of likeminded Rotarians with the aim of reaching out to the needy section of society.

Today each member of the Rotary Cochin Central is a pillar of the community by serving in different organisation, providing leadership and vision.

Thus the Saga of Service of Rotary Cochin Central Continues.